Emotions are cognitive processes which set us apart from machines and algorithms. The technological world surrounding us today seems to be deprived of them. Artificial intelligence, increasingly more perfect and precise, will probably transform into an independent being at some future stage. Will this being be able to read emotions? Will it understand them? Will it be able to correctly interpret them at some point? How will this ability impact its coexistence with humans? There are many questions and question marks to which answers can only be found in future.
The idea of the cycle NxN is based on the use of an AI algorithm to interpret a text and translate it into images constituting symbolic representations of the emotions the author aimed to convey in the description of his childhood memories. The images obtained as a result of the analysis of the mentioned text constitute a basis of the created artworks in the form of a 3D net – a symbol of the algorithmic order and the digital zero-one reality. The combination of the memories and the images is a surprising clash of the human and digital universes.
My sincere thanks to the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence for permission to use the A.I. algorithm.